Monday, 21 July 2014

My 'Next Summer Sale' experience!

Okay, so those of you that know me will know that I am pretty much a next addict! Almost all of Evie's clothes are from there, I swear by their jeans for me, and johns had some lovely tops and shirts from there too! 

So as you can imagine I was naturally VERY excitedl to hear the sale was coming up! Now as I said I shop there so much that I think I must own half the place by now, and yet I STILL didn't receive a VIP slot online, I find this really shocking, so it left me with no choice but to go into store at crazy o clock in the morning! 

I got up at 4am and headed to the sale at 4.45, the doors opened bang on time and everyone was given a bag, and a number, I was number 58 I'm the queue but got in with the first lot of people hoooorah!

Now, once in there all hell broke loose, people literally ran to the sections they wanted! (Bit sad!) but there was LOADS of girls stuff to choose from! I was extremely happy! My sister struggled for my nephew in the boys section but she got some lovely bits! 

We queued for what seemed like a lifetime, paid and then left as happy shoppers by just after 5.30. 

Upon getting home I went ahead and looked through my bargains. Only to be really annoyed!!! I bought myself a vase, it had a MASSIVE crack in it, half the things I bought Evie were damaged or had holes in! So most of it is going back, I found it awful that the sale had clearly been shoved on with little attention paid to the condition of items! 

So basically, I didn't get a VIP slot (annoying) I got up at 4am before a full day at work( annoying) and half the things I bought are damaged (very annoying!) therefore I don't think I'll be particularly excited by the next Next sale! 

Am I beginning to lose my love of next? I might just be!

Did you go? Or get a VIP slot? How did you find it? 


  1. Oh no, your experience doesn't sound very good. I got a VIP slot for the first time this year, having been an avid next shopper for years. But I didn't think there was much online to choose from. I much prefer the boxing day sale to their summer ones x

  2. I think I would be annoyed too! There were LOADS of my friends on Facebook moaning about the Next sale this time and they're usually the ones who rave about it!!

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper
