Well, we have now been in our new home for 8 months and it's gone so quickly and definitely feels like home.
We love our cute little house but I always feel like I need to make it more homely! I'm always on the look out for things that could make it feel more cosy and snug, I absolutely love shabby chic styling and also next home is just beautiful at the moment!
I've been picking little bits and bobs up for ages now, and slowly starting to pick their spots and put them in the places but I'm still after more ideas of what I can do?!
I have a major cushion obsession, I could buy like one a day but I think I have enough for now, I love lights and pictures they definitely bring a cosy look to a room but I'm still not happy in total with our bedroom.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can make my room a little more cosy and homely? What things do you have in yours?
Thanks for reading lovies, see you soon!
Sazz xx
I think family picture always as a homely touch