Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Day makeup!

Well lovelies it's here!! Christmas Day is tomorrow and after all the build up we can all relax and enjoy the fun of the day! Right? Well partially right! 

Christmas Day is always soooo busy! And if I'm totally honest the morning is normally spent in our pjs in my household! However when we do get dressed we don't want our makeup to take forever and ever to do, we want to enjoy the time with our families! 

So here is my quick few go to pieces of makeup that I'm going to be wearing, this makeup takes about 5 minutes but allows me not to look like a zombie all day! 

I'm literally going to be wearing a dab of foundation just to even up my complextion, a nude eyeshadow from my naked basics (Santa came early!) my mascara, a hint of colour with a sweep of blush and a festive lip with my mac ruby woo! 

         And that's it, done in 6 minutes! 

Please we ignore my hair! I'm planning on wetting and plaiting my hair tonight so that it's all boho waves for tomorrow, again no effort required on the busy day! 

Enjoy Christmas darlings! And I'll see you afterwards for an 'Evie's first Christmas' post eeeep! 

Love and hugs guys, don't forget to follow me on bloglovin, and check out my Instagram 'sarahcathrynxx' xxx


  1. You look lovely, I haven't used any of the product you have used but they look amazing!! I stayed in PJs most of the day haha - hope you had a great Christmas!

    meimei xx


    1. Aw thank you! It was just a real quick look so I could spend the day with my girlie! All the products are gorge you should deffo give them a go! We stayed in our pjs until 11 hehe! I hope you had a fab Xmas too! X

  2. Love your Christmas Day makeup! I was so close to buying Naked Basics before but went for Naked 3 instead ;) Ugh, Mac Ruby Woo is sold out here currently - I would love to try this shade.

    1. Thanks! I'm totally in love with my naked basics but am so needing the naked 3 palette so I'm very jealous! Ruby woo is gorgeous so festive I'm loving it! Off to check out your blog now :) x
